Nordic NDT AB's privacy policy
This privacy policy is intended to show Nordic NDT AB's way of processing personal data for you
as a user of our services.
See, General delivery terms (tab, Order)
How do we process your personal data:
Personal information is the information that can be linked to you when you use our services such as name, date of birth, technical info that can be linked to the assignment we performed.
Where does the information come from:
The information comes from the data we have collected in connection with the order and which you have agreed to through your signature on our order confirmation.
What purpose do we use your personal information for? :
We use the information for documentation against requirements in current standards for which Nordic NDT AB is accredited in a third-party position.
We archive the information in accordance with requirements in standards and regulations.
To whom do we disclose the information:
We only disclose information to the person who ordered the assignment or by written consent to the 3rd party.
If informants wish to be removed from our customer register, this will be done by contacting Nordic NDT AB.